Don Jose Cortes

Don José Cortés

Don José Cortés

Don José Cortés is the central character featured in Sons of Mezcal. At age 82, he represents the fourth generation of mezcaleros in his family, which has been producing mezcal in the town of Santiago Matatlán, Oaxaca since 1840. For nearly two centuries, agave farming and mezcal production has been the lifesource for the Cortés family.

Don José was born in Santiago Matatlán and lives a life dedicated to mezcal and family. He began working on local palenques in his teens and belongs to a generation of mezcaleros who, in the face of many difficult years, remained steadfast in their commitment to preserve the culture and methods of traditional mezcal. Their work was an honor to their family and to the land. With nearly 70 years of working on palenques, Don Jose is one of the most experienced living mezcaleros in Mexico.