Tío Pedro Vásquez

Sons of Mezcal-Tío Pedro Vásquez

Pedro Vásquez is a third generation mezcalero from the remote region of Lachiguí. The landscape there is a nearly impenetrable zone in the Sierra Sur Mountains, stacked with miles of jagged mountains rising up from valleys filled with deep shadows and ancient secrets. Tio Pedro is one of the most experienced mezcaleros working in this area, and as the years have passed, his three sons, Librado, Eugenio, and Pedro Jr., have taken on larger roles at the palenque. Under the guidance of their father, they have become maestro mezcaleros themselves, and recently, even their sons have begun to work hands-on in the palenque. This has created a moving scene of three generations of one family working together, and it has fulfilled the fathers’ promises to pass on these traditions to their children. ⁣

There are a select few families who produce mezcal in these wildlands, and their personalities and the spirits they distill reflect this bold, spectacular area of theirs. Tío Pedro has been producing traditional mezcales here with unrivaled quality and flavors for decades. Sometimes it’s hard to tell where Tío Pedro’s palenque ends and where the spectacular natural vistas surrounding it begins. The man himself is also notably connected to these hills. He will notice a stray twig encroaching on the well-worn path leading down to his well. He will take his young grandson into the wilderness at sundown to harvest agave on a full moon. He proudly upholds his obligations as a mezcalero and he remains committed to his land, his craft, and his mission to honor his ancestors as he passes his family’s legacy on to the next generation.