José Parada

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José Parada started making mezcal under the guidance of his father, Igancio “Don Chucho” Parada, before he was even a teenager. In the following twenty-two years, he has accrued the knowledge and experience rarely found in someone his age. At 34-years-old, José has already ascended to the level of maestro mezcalero. 

José has not always worked alongside his father. In his early-20s, José made the hard decision to leave his hometown to work in the United States. His sacrifice would provide support for his loved ones, and this dedication to family would remain an important value to José. He returned home to work with his father as the demand for the family’s mezcal grew. José has been gleaning valuable insights from his father and he rises to become the next of generation in a long lineage of mezcaleros in his family. José has uncles and cousins on both sides of his family who are also mezcaleros. José  lives with his wife and their young child back home in Zoquitlan. This life of mezcal has been a calling that José was born into, and he has embraced his role with dignity and wisdom that surpasses his youthful age.  

“Patience is key. When I drink mezcal I respect it because overdoing it is not good for you.”

-José Parada